Paola Harris
M. C.: are you registering?
P.H.: Yes
M.C.: you're a journalist, perfect!
P.H.: I make photographs, filming, interviews, entirely alone, is my choice.
M.C.: (smiling) are an instrument of the Lord!
L.P.: Paola is indestructible!
P.H.: I'm recording why with Lavinia we made a Covenant.
M.C.: with the devil?
P.H.: No, I do not know him.
M.C.: I rather Yes, I know. Are you afraid to know the devil?
P.H.: No, but I don't want to devote the time.
M.C.: every time we look in the mirror we see the devil!
P.H.: Lavinia will do the service in English, in English.
L.P..: I'm coming to meet you today and for my personal growth.
P.H.: you will receive something from this meeting, but will also give you!
M.C.: when there is something to give you do not need to think about having to give, you give. It's an instinctive thing, we must not give a solution. There is another thing, I wanted to finish the concept. The devil, you very, it is only the projection of our alter ego.
P.H.: I'm used to connect the Devil with Catholicism.
M.C.: when you change the knowledge of humans there will be only one choice: folly or the blinding light from a completely new vision because we do not yet know anything and everything that we know is false. This write it as well.
P.H.: Yes, I know. It's hard to walk into this space!
M.C.: does not exist in the Cosmos a force projection of the most destructive of our alter ego. We are the creators and the destroyers. We have created this world, you know?
P.H.: With our energy? With our minds?
M.C.: we are what we create things that we see every day, that we touch, which we believe to be there. It's a completely new vision. Perhaps, instead, the man can tell these things. At one time, in antiquity, the man felt much, at least these things. He knew to be related, to be woven in a central role in the universe that was experiencing and continued to see the creation as an aspect of magic, a magic projection. This man has lost this, lost magic and reality so don't know neither the world nor the universe, and even himself.
P.H.: I can't speak for others but, since I was little, I felt that this was not my house and I never recognized as such, but I would say that the game of life and marry, have children, make the housewife, a teacher at a school like I did, it was a game that made me grow and which makes part of a program. But when quardo television, listening to the news and observe what happens around me, I recognize, I feel a stranger!
L.P.: it would be worrying!
P.H.: I can't even imagine what is happening around us. I am aware that we have created and I realize that we are sick!
M.C.: see, humanity has suffered a shock, trauma fortissimo, man, mankind has moved away from the divine magic of creation and is precipitated in consciousness illusory, has lost the meaning of life and tries to give a meaning to life. This may seem a trivial concept, but it is not so.
P.H.: No!
M.C.: man tries to give every day a meaning to life because he has lost the meaning of life. The meaning of life is very simple: just life itself.
P.H.; I know this concept in English. You won't believe it but these were the words of the son of Michael Wolf. I told him you resembled! My god! He said: the meaning of life is just life it self.
M.C.: and there is no other way.
L.P.: but why, that is what happened to us in the end we posted any alien civilizations and maybe no?
M.C.: us humanity on Earth happened. It occurred in a fit of conceit and pride that afterward, selfishly.
P.H.: the fall?
M.C.: believe, humanity, then, it was credutra, the best of humanity, that perfect, but it was not. This pride, this presumption does not allowed him to continue to watch the light from which it was born because we are all children of the same ... Life on Earth has been imported, we used, we have been manipulated. The manipulation is not an alien mechanism. We are the sons of the creators.
P.H.: we are aliens.
M.C.: we are already alien, we are kneaded.
P.H.: we are gods.
M.C.: what's going on is just a continuation of the programme and, during this process humanity is inorgoglita, thought to be the light of that, religiously, it's called truth.
I I talk, hints at this thing; then, perhaps, if this will be possible, will widen the question in the second book. Now I just mentioned to this disaster, this cosmic revelation. The Sun, which was Jupiter, was toppled, there was a new solar system, there arose a new Sun, which the Egyptians called Ra, the Sun Lives. Then there was an apocalyptic destruction. That mankind, because of these harsh trials, lost his memory and consciousness and is reborn with shreds of ancestral knowledge that today are perceived only in the dream. Arising from this are religions, myths and legends, from this ancient knowledge that humanity no longer has.
This is the loss of ... the divine grace in which man lived when used fully the two cerebral hemispheres, the left and right. In broad terms it was a rebellion.
P.H.: in Western culture prevails the logical Cartesian scientific thought. There is a cancellation of the right hemisphere. Among the native Americans, there is a whole other culture, use the right side where you will find the truth.
M.C.: in fact, think that native Americans continued to recover because they, too, as the Incas, Mayans, toltecs, continued to recover through the oral tradition, have continued and recover the dream of our ancestors: Then, while living in this dimension, never considered real. They are still a people. But we fear of magic, because when we speak of magic we speak now of something negative.
P.H.: it's all the fault of the Church.
M.C.: it's the fault of the ancestral memory loss because, you see, what you said is correct. To me, however, that the problem does not stem from the Elimination of the right side. It was, in fact, inhibited by the creators that have interrupted stassi transmissibility of this ability to the level of DNA. We could not under any circumstances use the right-hand side.
P.H.: But who made it?
M.C.: the creators, the aliens
P.H.: The have done?
M.C.: Yes, because we had become too dangerous because of that Act of pride. We had not had knowledge but wisdom. The man had become dangerous, so it's an interruption. It's trivial, but it is as if you load a rifle you entrusted to a child. If you are wise you don't and you take away the gun out of the reach of children. They have taken, have inhibited this segment of DNA. Science says that our
DNA is lacking; something is missing, and were they to disable it.
P.H.: at all?
M.C.: rough, they turned to humanity in time. In fact, if we were given the truth, if we look beyond the illusion, go mad because the truth is a fire burning. This you know, the native Americans know it.
This is why the process of enlargement of consciousness is individual and cannot be collective. It's as if we were subjected to a further test. If we can, through the will to arrive at some point ... now many will be the changes that are going to come and not much will be again activated the full functioning of our DNA as the genetic code must change to survive in a new dimension.
L.P.: Yes, because I, environmentalist, see ugly here. Also from pacifist, very ugly. However, even though I don't like people divide between higher, conscious or not, but who perhaps has a sensitivity to certain things, namely the peace etc, there is evil in this world.
M.C.: even me, like I said before, I do not feel nor chosen nor superior to others, but I feel different, better or worse I do not know, but I feel, in any case, different and eager to keep this difference, this diversity. Someone I considered insane, it may be that it is, but I love this madness because I started to understand ... I change my life, go back in time even though I've never experienced it, as you said you just amalgamandomi with the world, even as a child. I felt like a fish out of water, I felt in a world ... Since I was a child I didn't understand the logic of adults, not comprendevo discourses of adults; I saw that adults scannavano to resolve an issue which for me, in my mind as a child, he was already solved. Of course it was a very slow growth, always painful downs, because even as a child I estraniavo from peers and I was not feeling well, I wasn't well with others, so this difference there has always been, since the beginning. It has become a conscious difference. Why I became aware of many things, why rifiutassi the education, why, when I said that the Egyptians had built the pyramids, I instinctively, I knew that was not true. I had no answers, I couldn't answer alternative and contradict those ridiculous precepts, but I knew they were false.
P.H.: you have been bred with a faith?
M.C.: Yes. my parents were Catholics and I sent to the oratory. I did because I have baptized Baptism without ask. I did the Communion but, when it's time to make the confirmation, I refused, even if they knew why. Then I got married without confirmation, the priest did not want to marry me, he wanted to proceed before confirmation and I said: "Then I groom". and I got married without confirmation. I got married without having this sacrament. There was already a diversity. It was, however, diversity is not understood, was latent, larval. Then, gradually, after 81 there was awareness. There was the first time that I have looked in the mirror, after 81, and I have seen my face, I have recognized ... However I am not in a spirit of compassion towards me because, I repeat, today I would do everything that I have lived. Yesterday I doubted of these entities, continued to put into question, perhaps this has saved me from insanity. I tried to climb, to cling to something solid because They entered my life by atomizing everything seemed, that I thought were real. I have removed the Earth from under the feet, I have Bared, stripped, flayed and I hated it and hated them, without knowing it I began to love it. It is not a problem for me though ...Paola said one thing correct: "photographs have meaning", of course, have a sense perhaps, but not for everyone.
L.P.: for others! For me that, from the outside, I read and listening experience ... anyway the excitement of seeing a photo like this or even light starships is quite another thing ... you send anything, because while you read is always the intellect that reprocesses, however is not comparable to the emotion that gives your photos ...I saw on the site the spaceships with light and something I have been notified ... the impact was something magnificent ... in short, there are remains of stone.
M.C.: that is why I have made and continue to let me photograph photograph. I the first photo chiesi for myself. In a second contact, when I arrived for the second time, I need some proof material, otherwise I'd be mad because when I walked home, when I left, I do not believe in anything. I was getting out of hand the everyday reality that I had until the day before. This other fact I couldn't even understand it and I found myself without support. I tried to talk to people, I tried to explain why I needed to get something off my chest, seek help, I need help. And I saw looks of sufficiency; someone looked at me and said: "this is sick!". This brings you to hide, to conceal and this made me even more evil. Then I asked Them to bring home something that, even at a distance of days since the incident, could tell my brain: "you're not going crazy because here there is a picture that shows that it was all a dream." I took a picture and brought it home. If I saw that the photo was black and that they had come out anything from development figured that my madness had become rampant. For this I asked them to photograph them and I did photograph the base where I was born.
P.H.: The Tyrrhenian Sea?
M.C.: No, you have to read my book.
P.H.: Yes, I know, but do not have. Do not even know of its existence, nor I knew where to find it.
M.C.: I gave you yesterday evening.
P.H.: (smiling) As I laugh to read it? I was devastated!
M.C.: you've gotta read it because I think you can understand a lot more things.
P.H.: I open and read the dedication.
M.C.: I understand, I'm kidding!
P.H.: I know but I feel guilty.
M.C.: when I have taken the first time, when I was kidnapped, led me into an underground base in the
Amazon. An underground base in the Amazon. The second time that I was kidnapped, that took me away, I had the courage, despite trembling, asking to take a photo and they replied yes # even if their talk was superfluous, since they were able to read directly into my consciousness; I didn't even have time to formulate a thought they already knew what I would say #. Communication was so immediate.
P.H.: that's great.
M.C.: you can't talk either of telepathy, is almost a simultaneous connection. Their mind was probably in my and my brain was at the mercy of their power. So this is immediate, I'm reflecting and say: "now I wonder ... wonder ... now" I immediately replied Yes. I heard the Yes, I do not know if I can explain.
P.H.: Yes, can I interrupt a moment? You are very different today from yesterday. Today you get straight to the point about your experience; in a way so beautiful ... so incisive, sharp ... I'll try to do a good job.
M.C.: you're calm, you know that the word is energy. You're quiet.
P.H.: I am very excited and it is very important to me to be faithful to your exposure. It is important that the message arrived intact to those people who need it.
M.C.: sorry if I interrupt him, you know why you perceived my diversity today? Because I'm more in tune.
P.H.: I'm thinking about is there inside you. Yesterday you were so different.
M.C.: If you want to continue from the moment I asked to make these photos for my personal need.
P.H.: Yes.
M.C.: and I was given this permission. After that I photographed was delighted because my thought was: "Now that when ..." It was an instant thought. It happens to everyone thinking of a whole speech a few moments and I knew already that I could show them photos now and then make me believe. I also would serve as an aid to convince others that I was experiencing a real experience ... but, immediately after these shots I was always informed, instantly, that I had to take the photographs for 10 years without anyone seeing them and, when I happened-and I happened several times-to discuss with people, talk to people, hear skepticism, I'm talking about 20 ... from 81 as time has passed? I'm a few years ... Then there was much skepticism.Today it seems that humanity has been open a bit longer.I said, when I was in the midst of these contrasts, my thought was: "now I get there, take photos and. .." But then I restricted myself to do so. I obeyed for 10 years, then the relationship I have with your photos has never been ruled by the need to use them as a testimony of my experience. I cared more telling, let then people analyse my words and that something, those words were to the conscience of the individual. We believe it or not. What I lived and that I'm living it, then anyone can remove the photos for me does not represent a testimony, an endorsement on my experience.
L.P.: UFOlogists do not forgive witnesses the fact that they are to live experiences that they pursue. According to me is that, in the sense that if you study a certain matter is because they are fascinated, otherwise do nothing. I do not why I am not interested in cooking. I, from outside, sometimes I feel some envy because, however, I can hear certain things, although I was born to a family of "cicapini" for which I suffer what I suffered ... absolutely skeptical ... However, when I feel ... I also have friends who have lived the experience ...
P.H.: what do you mean "cicapini"?
L.P.: The CICAP Piero Angela. For where you live from the outside; feel that there is something else because I am born knowing that there is another reality, for me it was normal: when one is born knows, then you are brainwashed and you put it aside. Then, when you're more mature, you say: "No, now I throw out because you stew". Many UFOlogists do not accept that other living things that their study from outside ... Maybe there are inside but doesn't realize it. I have been in UFO research groups of witnesses, where they had guys who are my friends, I would doubt that there ever even though I have never seen a photo. But they took them around. Then the question is: "but what we're doing here?" It is true that there
are the cheaters, but there are also in politics, environmentalism, find them in any context.
M.C.: my gripe, lately, for some time is also the gripe aside ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
(transcription stops )
M.C.: Yesterday evening we talked ...I told you that I abhor people who create contacts through the channels.
P.H.: The channelling.
M.C.: Why, in fact, even if it is true that we are all channels that everyone can perceive, receive, it is equally true that our brain processes this data, transforms them and pollute them. Today we have a large amount of material and concepts expressed many doubts ... an ocean of confusion created by the whole lot of talk that makes Greys, Reptilians etc. ..It's very simple, there is no fear, no fear. There is to choose if there are good or bad. It's very simple. We are still owned by beings who come from elsewhere. .
P.H.: My God, what a Word! Has no meaning too negative? Instead of "property" we cannot say that "we're related"?
M.C.: we are their property, and we always knew, just that our pride, the pride of the individual and of the human race is so great as to underestimate this absolute truth.
P.H.: define properties.
M.C.: when we say that we are children of God, that God is our Creator, are we not owned by this God? Are we not creatures of the creator? We belong to a Creator then we have always been someone else's property. According to the present day religions are always tied to the will of the creator. We accept this, we take for granted, we do not think it is obvious, only that we have made this Creator to our image and likeness.
We did as we agreed. We pray God when we need something and don't we remember him when we are in good health and we do our facts. This is the cunning of the human being. Today it is time to leave these parameters. Today we have a great hope, so much desolation and destruction, there is a hope but it passes through individual wishes.We change, we must look beyond the window, we have to be loyal with ourselves, we must assume our responsibilities. This is a difficult process and it is much more difficult because we refused for a long time. Mine is not a mystic, is not a religious discourse, is a real speech but did not speak to the intelligence of the individual, just want to touch the conscience, want to help only to reflect so as I reflected, as I have imposed to reflect.
Only this is what I do and I do not care that my experience is real; Although I have so much material, I've photographed, I messages, and have their voice, I'm not interested because it gets to the brain and the heart.
P.H.: I always say that the man rejects the fact that we are not alone to escape the enormous responsibility that this entails.
M.C.: this is the only piece of the ticket.
P.H.: a huge price because you broke your life!
M.C.: do you unravel the life.
P.H.: but you have to go bare, layer by layer.
M.C.: it's what they did with me.
P.H.: people prefer to watch the game.
M.C.: we can't do anything about it, is an individual choice. Anyway, back to earlier, there is much confusion through these various messages, these messages, because the reality is simple: we are still owned by someone who comes from elsewhere. We have been imported and the life was created. We belong to a process of improvement because, as we have come from the stars, so we must return to the stars, or at least to consciousness. This is a important speech but is a process that goes through the individual, then the individual is an acceptance, acceptance of their limits. Its responsibility is required. We cannot leave our responsibilities to others and continue to carry us. The majority of mankind is left to carry, complaining when they arrived were negative. We need a religion that guide us in spiritual and religion it envelops the mind; the man used to not think because everything is already prepared, ready, said: there is a paradise, there is a hell, there is a Purgatory .... you need to do this and this for it or you don't have to do this and that ... If you do then there is also the Holy Inquisition which isn't finished yet. It's a bit like democracy: we live in democracy and fascism, dictatorship is not finished; they just changed their appearance.When they saw that individuals and the community were thinking they were raising their heads and have devised the strategy of not subdue by force, which no longer worked, but they with cunning. So they gave us democracy, freedom, but you know benisssimo that we are not free to think, say and do all of our things. 70%, maybe I'm pessimistic, humanity thinks only with television. . Some people I knew, people who, when I mentioned my experience and other similar had raised shoulders saying "but no, you cannot" are ricredute and are back from me all happy by saying: "But you know what I was saying I heard on television?" Television has convinced them, you understand? Because if it says television means that is true. The first time that I have risked to go to an interview of China Central television I have conquered all of Vercelli. All I wanted to, but not because I told interesting things maybe didn't even # understood what I was talking about #, were all with me just because I was on television.
L.P.: were allowed to believe you.
M.C.: believe me, you know? Many did not even understand: "I saw you on television, bravo! But I turned a little late, I did not understand what you were saying. " The important thing is that I was on television, you know?
Maybe I lost a bit of time talking about freewheel, I show you a photo.
P.H. Why is the change in frequency? I'm not talking about disasters. With the great misfortunes ( Tsunami) twin towers, the world becomes more good.
M.C.: it's always been so. After the Flood the whole world has become good, after the war became good! The frequency is the conscious participation in planning, i.e., a person hears and is not listening to you, what you say, but what he is doing his own inside because you can't give others what they don't have it already, you can only risvegliarlo.
P.H.: this is the nòcciolo.
M.C.: I can't get with photographs, bringing evidence, I only speak saying of my experience. If something is already inside the person who listens, there is a seed that my words can sprout.
P.H.: how many people think he is ready to receive the water?
M.C.: too few. It is also for this reason, for their part, by those from other spheres, by extraterrestrial or don't know how you prefer to call them, in recent times, and you who are already in the know, there was amplification in kidnappings, although lately it seems that we do not speak any more. This happens because amplification have attempted, they are trying to select, triggering a process of opening up to new genetics on many more people.
P.H.: when we speak of kidnappings we are talking about different races?
M.C.: Sure! Grays to my personal experience, it won't hurt. Trauma, evil, are you the same result. See, even in my kidnapping someone actually hurt me, but my life has changed dramatically.
As I said before, I was on the brink of suicide but it was me who I was doing wrong, or rather, it was my human condition of rejection toward a reality that I was wrong. The grays in many cases only the executors of a program.
P.H.: the grays, in particular, as Colonel, are a race of cloned.
M.C.: I agree, are a type of automata.
P.H.: don't have a soul and the Col. The course was telling me that the Pentagon feared that their creators were the human race from the future. Us from future we are trying to avoid a catastrophe of nuclear origin. The great sightings in fact took place at White Sands when we played with the atomic bomb. Time does not exist, we must change ourselves from future events that will happen in the near future to avoid severe genetic mutations. If this were true, we have a great responsibility, namely to change this event to prevent the catastrophe. It's all related to spacetime.
M.C.: not only is this, you know damn well that not only is this, though I fully agree with what you're saying. I am convinced that time does not exist and that, in part, a large part of this alien intervention in the history of mankind, is also conditioned by ourselves in the future that we're back in the past. I am convinced.
P.H.: this is difficult to digest for the human being, for the person.
M-C.: it is difficult to conceive.
P.H.: Yes, I think just because I knew a microbiologist, Dan Burish, a genius that the American Government has taken to make a withdrawal on a gray cell in Area 51. This grey, called J-Rod, had a family, a wife and a son and was loaned to the study of DNA because he was a mutation of human of the future because of a problem.Dan Burish I have seen it twice in Las Vegas and was not lying. The Government had warned not to look at or touch the Gray why would instantly received images. Dan explained to me that when he entered the Area 51 in the sterile zone.
M.C.: travellers in time travelers and use their vehicles to do so. It is natural because space and time co-exist and, when the form or you try to change the time you create or edit space. It is clear that space and time are related, without space there might be the time without time there can be no space. There are two entities that come from the illusion because, in reality, time does not exist and there is even space. We have infinite measure space and eternity as a measure of time. Between eternity and infinity we create through the psyche through the false view of reality, create space and time. Timeless images that co-exist. For me have always been travellers in time.
P.H.: the Col. During li termed travellers in time.
M.C. Once I have explained that, if we travel at the speed of light and we wanted to steer our ship to a distant planet, say, five light years away, we don't ever get why that planet that appears to us to five light years away is not really there, but it is a space-time distortion. If we travel through space a planet we never place in time.
P.H.: This is difficult, poor scientists who are studying how to reach Mars! Apart from that we have already been on Mars ....
M.C.: Yes, because on Mars as part of our space-time. Mars, Venus ... I speak of a ... outside the spacetime we where our reality closes, our reality ends. Outside our space-time we see a distant star, we also see with your eyes, but science tells us that light emanated from that star no longer exists for a few billion years. Then we reach that point we should go back in time. This is the concept that I was talking about. Then we, if we used a spacecraft, traveling at the speed of light, we couldn't reach that star which today we see with our eyes because it is not in space but in time.
It's a very simple equation and it becomes difficult for science. It is difficult for science because science continues to believe that the universe and the cosmos, is sensitive, both tactile and physical, but it isn't. The cosmos is an emanation psychic.
P.H.: it's hard ... I am Taurus with Sagittarius ascendant ... I have the feet on the ground.
M.C.; But illusion it does not mean that there is a mistake that we make in our minds. When we say "illusion" our brain immediately conveys the idea of something that does not exists. "Illusion" does not mean that it doesn't exist. Delusion means only that that thing there as well as see. So it's not there, you exist, the table exists, but the touch is illusion. Perhaps this is not so as we see it. ..If we could see it in real life maybe we see ourselves in the reality and could be completely different.
P.H.: tell me, what is the purpose of extraterrestrials? Want us to reach a certain potential to save lives, we want to make sure that it belongs to a few cosmic group.I see that you have a photo of Ashtar Sheran.
M.C.: Yes, that has given me the Eugenio Siragusa.
P.H.: he says that he knew the Venusians in a jumpsuit.There is a loose confederation.
M.C.: Yes, there is a Confederation of worlds. Clarion is a part of this Confederation, their work together with other inhabitants of other planets and other inhabitants of spacetime.
P.H.: tell me, they fight each other?
M.C.: No
P.H.: tell me, there are malevolent ... I do not like the word ...
M.C.: there are malevolent though, except some error # because they too can make mistakes, isn't that their evolution is perfect, at least for those who know I #, except some problems that can occur as occurred in the past, the interstellar Confederation does not allow any of these malevolent beings can enter this spacetime. However sometimes come because they are psychic entity and enter through a reminder of the human brain.
P.H.: have you ever met those malicious?
M.C.: No
P.H.: maybe because you don't attract them, your vibration is not draws them.
M..C.: maybe because I don't draw, perhaps because there is also a defence on the part of those who ... are we who we, you know?
P.H.: believe, I believe that depends on us.
M.C.: the only chance for alien entity, to penetrate into this spacetime, especially at this time, is the human psyche.
P.H.: a reminder ... an invitation.
M.C.: Behold, I, for example, I was saying, when you're finished, that I do not think the contactees if not having undergone a very thorough consideration. We must go with the pliers ... make me fear even the channels why ... behold, what could be a risk because they invite, drafting, you understand? And accept any form of ...
P.H.: the world of the contactees. When I interview people I realized that they want the fame. It's not as if small enough attention and had now, from contactees, posing as gurus.
M.C.: perhaps it is a desire to express themselves, to achieve success, fame, to be carried out in some way, to appear, perhaps by small have suffered from bullying and unnoticed ... I am wary ...
P.H.: for me it is difficult to know ... even for those true as Billy Meier, who have been found in Switzerland, formed around cults, persons who become so devoted to their protection or, at least, so believe. Actually becomes a group that meets and that ruined the contact.
M.C.: the group, in fact, when there's something true in contact, but does not defend the contactee destroys him.
P.H.: why give less credibility.
M.C.: not only does this; It also destroys the physical and psychological level. The group is a collection of completely different from the desire of contacted. Each group is around contacted, in most cases, for personal ends.
P.H.: something that is missing and that he hopes to find there.
M.C.: and when contacted or the real message reaches the various components of the group, each time passing through the mouth of one of the group, loses anything, edit. And so when the message comes out of the group is no longer what it had arrived in origin.
P.H.: it's like in the case of Jesus Christ, no? What he said was very nice.
M.C.: many times I was asked: "why not make an association?" No, it's one thing that I despise, but not in the negative. I would greatly appreciate the freedom that they somehow feel inside of me and then I, for one thing, to respect the freedom found in each individual. I couldn't ever drag behind me people through my personal affair. I can talk to these people, I can tell from my experience, but I want these people, then, assume their responsibilities as I assumed my. Each of us is free. The greatest gift of life, in my opinion, is the freedom that every individual should always have.
I can't, I won't affect anyone. When I see a person who, despite my condition due to what I say because we believe, for example, when you repeat these things and it happens that I ask: "but you confirm that in 2012 ...?," I don't confirm, nothing. You can't live with concepts that then become granite; becomes a religion and religion, in my opinion, is a position of consciousness leading to put responsibility on the shoulders of others, as we said before, Paola. The change of frequency must be an individual change. The change of frequency is a process of salvation. It is a process of transformation that passes only through individual responsibility. You know that's not me saying these things, he called Jesus Christ. You know perfectly well that Jesus Christ said: "he who does not take his cross and follow me cannot" ... then the speech is that personal responsibility, the personal will ...
P.H.: Ok, Jesus Christ spoke of love, many people I know say "God is love".
M.C.: God spoke of love, is the Church that talked about love.
P.H.: Jesus Christ said: "I give you two commandments: love God first, then love each other" If the people you loved would most wars, there would be no more pedophilia ... What is the message of the aliens on love?
M.C.: love is the law of the cosmos. The cosmos is based on the law of love. Love is balance. Jesus never spoke of love, the love that we, Jesus spoke of "love" and love means enter frequency balance. And ' transmute their frequencies in dynamic law of love which is the creative act.
P.H.: it is curious why I interviewed astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 that he used the same word: "balance". He said that the world is unbalanced and has added that, until it reaches the equilibrium we have neither peace nor awareness. This word, balance, to me. ..
M.C.: for what you say it is a matter for the individual. Balance cannot give it to you nobody if you are not yourself find it. Responsibility is individual. The balance can be brought through the tune, that Exchange we were talking about before, the frequency tuning ... So I speak to you, ti racconto experience, you feel that this experience you can move something inside but you need to have that something inside you. Then serves the will and determination, because you have to be you choose if you want to change or not.
P.H.: Yes, and you can't force people to attend school while they are still in third grade.
M.C.: can't even force people to attend second grade; You can only suggest, explain to people that there are classes and that it is convenient to attend these classes for an expansion of consciousness, for greater wisdom, to know ... you can only recommend it.
P.H.: When you talk to people you speak so, is it true?
M.C.: sometimes Yes, sometimes not.Often I have to use more examples, more mundane Earth.
P.H.: If we speak to Florence we must explain the reason why we are part of something bigger.
M.C.: I agree, I don't have doubts about yourself, all that I ask I'll do.
P.H.: so I put in a quandary ...
M.C.: No, I tell you to tune. Life taught me to be careful and wary at times.
P.H.: your reputation is this and I was very surprised that you and I to emails that were so helpful.
M.C.: No, it's simply that I don't like having the spotlight. The stage I'm not interested because I'm satisfied with how they are. I have many flaws, but I didn't want to ask a weakness on the limelight to get something where I was lacking ... I basto. Now I've learned to live in solitude. I love the solitude and alone I'm also okay.
P.H.: your story is so concrete, so clear. There is so much material and it is a pity that there is someone of very reliable to make a documentary.
M.C.: I could also do it but, as you say, it would take someone of very reliable. I have also made proposals. Someone in Milan wanted to make a documentary, I had to send videos and photographs ... but I'm not trusted. A person of whom I trust ... then Yes, you can do many things because, as you say, the material is not missing.
M.C.: usually have these two ways: a projection directly in your mind and you awaken, as if you lived a thing yesterday. Can be a reminder of many years before and you see it as if it were yesterday. Do you remember, comes to mind but it is different from memory because you see it as a mental screen, see just an image, or make you see through some kind of monitor, a monitor is not, of course, but it is as if it were, and see pictures that have been ...
P.H.: you entered a room and there was a monitor?
M.C.: Yes, exactly.
P.H.: I do not say that see what will happen in 2012?
M.C.: the planet That would have provided a programmatic laceration. It would happen something built that would lead humanity to the last section of his madness, I had said. And then happened that I have given of the prophecies of Nostradamus: "laws" they told me, "read this and that other prophecy ...". I read but there I understood nothing. However ... on 11 September was a Saturday, I seem to remember ...
P.H.: it was Friday.
M.C.: Was the day that was coming to see me Florinda Dances.
P.H.: I know very well, is Switzerland.
M.C.: came here because we were known in Lugano. He took a couple of articles to put in your site and that day I asked if there were new in alien dimension and I had replied: "mah ... something should happen ..." Then she took the train because they had to return to Lugano and phoned me from saying that he had heard the news on the radio ... gave the news as early as Friday afternoon. Only at that time I went to reread the prophecies, the prophetic that I had given and I realized that Nostradamus spoke of 11 September.
P.H.: do you think we're crazy enough to create a nuclear problem?
M.C.: Yes, this is not necessary to tell people but it is so.
P.H.: Will an accident?
M.C.: it will be an accident.
P.H.: wanted ... cause problems ... like we do? We can distort spacetime to avoid ... I do not think that everything is predestined.
M.C.: No, it is predestined. There is no destiny. Destiny is the process of our choices. It is said that I do I do when I was born to force certain things. I can do those things but I can make of the other. It is programmed, the fate of humanity are not predestined.
P.H.: THEor think how you ... so how can you avoid?
M.C.: we cannot avoid if there are or there will be these people who intentionally want to this. They want for their purpose, why they hate their lives and do not have the frequencies of love.
P.H.: then this means complete destruction of the human race?
M.C.: No, no complete destruction. There will be.
M.C.: If I project between 20 or 30 years will tell ...But it is difficult that I between twenty or thirty years ... who knows ... maybe ... but ... it is not said that I am here to see. Behold, is already a mistake because we place limitations. We can't see ourselves as immortal creatures, because we are endless and as long as we have these closures, really, we are mortal.
P.H.: Their living for many years?
M.C.: them live long, but leaving the physical body as well. The only difference between us and them is that they have conscience when they reincarnate.When creating a new body has a consciousness that had early on, while we lose. They know they are getting what they are.
P.H.: they have a normal society where they mate, have children?
M.C.: Clarion, Yes.
P.H.: the children are born by women?
M.C.: they have a much shorter gestation are not nine months. I have mentioned about 3 months of our time and grow normally but with skills different from ours. Children have all wisdom accumulated all wisdom of the whole people.
P.H.: these photos which thou hast shown are Clarion?
M.C.: that girl is Clarion.
P.H.: the other women?
M.C.: Yes.
P.H.: alien women who are on Earth, are conscious of being Clarion?
M.C.: Yes, there are other creatures that are thinner on the Astral planes, but their Clarion living in an area different from ours. Their Atomic density is different from ours. It should slow the dynamism for Atomic visible to our eyes and to be able to adapt to life on Earth. Must slow down much these frequencies, however, all soomato are made of flesh and bone like us.
P.H.: I'm just the spokesman for those who have had experiences. My mission is to do a good job and report faithfully what they say witnesses, 'cause people comes the news without having undergone any kind of alteration.
M.C.: I felt a duty to tell my experience after 11 years. Tell me what has happened, that could happen to others, that I was completely transformed, in life, in the affections, inwardly, however, I later I regretted doing so because I met ... it is true that I met the people, the people great and beautiful inside. People who wished to know who is looking for a truth, but I also found a lot of nastiness. I found some people who are selfishly course ends by personal interests and I was disgusted. I also met the real crazy, insane. Two months ago and came here at my house, after repeated calls a person when she arrived and presented as the Commander-in-Chief of the fleet and extraterrestrial, to prove that he was an extraterrestrial showed me what for him was the laser beam and had a Pocket Flashlight, Chinese, with led lights. These things I'm worried ...
P.H.: can I ask you in these cases, how do you send him away?
M.C.: I intend to invite him to lunch because it is my habit, when I don't know a person to have him as a friend, a loved one then when I saw really that person, then with all my good will, I had to invent a sudden engagement. I detest lie, I love the honesty. Even if they are sharp and sometimes I love to say what I think, I can not stand most ' a world of lies still, in these cases you need to protect. It was a dangerous person.
P.H.: there are these people who you are, then there are those who think that you're a guru ... ... How to manage the latter group of people?
M.C.: I do hate those people in the sense that they believe that I can give some thing, some teaching. I've always been very clear I tell them that I am not a teacher can't teach nothing if not my experience. From my experience if you can draw some teaching, I am glad, however, I can't teach you anything because I'm still learning. Behold, at that time you have a reaction on the part of those people that sometimes it's destructive because they feel betrayed. It's like if you don't want to give loroqualche which belongs to both of them right.
I am a person that since in 81 I had this experience changed me, I became a person who can be loved or hated.
P.H.: 81 were married? you had children?
M. c.: Yeah, I was married and had two sons. She was 7 years old and baby 4
P.H.: this happened quite suddenly?
M. c.: Yeah, I had had experiences like everybody. I saw lights in the sky, however, that night, the night of the kidnapping and ' fall upon me suddenly. I did not expect such a thing, and since that time it changed everything.
P.H.: I noticed that you used the word kidnapped. Call a kidnapping or a contact
M.C.: call it kidnapping
P.H.: 'cause it's case against your will?
M.C.: Yes, I did not want to, I have obliged. I was at home. In the book there is the whole story, all dramatic moments that I experienced. I was at home and I felt ... I began to feel bad physically, I felt feverish and then a sudden I heard a voice inside me. an order imperiosp that I pressed go out, to return to the hills of Monferrato, which had been the night before with friends to take a walk. The previous evening we went out with friends after dinner we went to a pizzeria for a ride in the hills of Monferrato in 18 km north of Vercelli. We got off the car walk and while we were there, and appeared in the sky a luminous globe, fire.This globe is lowered behind trees and looked like it had landed and then we, all of it taken from excitement we went to see what had happened. Of course it was the night was dark, the area was difficult with rocks and Brambles so we desisted from here and everyone is back at home. When I got home, I began to feel ill. I was hot, I had a fever, cold, at first I thought that everything could be criticised for poor digestion to something that I had eaten and that I had done wrong. I couldn't sleep and then I heard this voice that I compenetrava and I pressed shoot the car and back into the hills. And I at that time I started a titanic struggle, a struggle. I tried to wake my wife to tell her that I was wrong and that I felt the need to go out. My wife went to sleep as if she had been drugged. In the book, recounting in detail the experience particularly strange, it's as if the mii House, my house was closed by an anything ... ... I do not know how to define it, it almost seemed to be frozen. I don't know if the term is right. In fact, I'm going to the bathroom, take water to drink, then I slipped from his hands and glass this glass falls, goes to the floor in a very slow
P.H.: why stops the time?
M.C.: being a Saturday night out, there was a way to go for a day of celebration. Inside the House there were noises. When the glass falls to the ground and shattered into a thousand esaplode, I don't hear the noise. Was everything crystallized. It was as if time had slowed. So for me it's a kidnapping 'cause I didn't want to go. ' I am against resistance, more in my brain came a stabbing pain in my head the malaise increased. I realize this that I take the car and back into the hills, while I was there unrest eased. If I want to return home, the malaise brought strong and more than before.
then it's a compulsion, for me it was a kidnapping. If I had been told to go to that place, I would have gone there.
P.H.: Yesterday this ti seemed hostile experience. Today in 2007?
M:C.: No, Also in the book say that those who were my captors, call them rapists, kidnappers call
them. those who kidnapped and held captive were narrated as those that I have donated the freedom
P:H: I did see some truth
M:C: I did see that the cosmos is not what we believe, that life is not what we are, what we believe to be true it's only a mere illusion.
I did face a window on the universe, led me to the limits of madness, they destroyed the Mauritius, Mauritius was that there was before there is more, they stoned him flayed pero ' I have been allowed to see beyond, beyond the boundaries of reality, what we call reality. They made me a great gift, I have donated the freedom.
P.H.: at a very high price.
M.C.: at a very high price. See, what I say to people when they ask me, when I understand that these people want anything because they believe that I can be a teacher, what I say is that I don't own the truth, my truth I belong fully and I am sorry, I am sorry that this truth which I belong, which is now rooted in me 'cause not everyone manipulated can understand.
P.H.: certainly we on planet Earth, we humans are a particular species, we're growing, you're trying to bring the individual directly by the third grade in high school but you cannot skip grades, to you it happened, they did.
M.C.: but maybe there was already a preparation.
P.H.: just that I wanted to ask you ....
M.C.: Yeah, 'cause then I understood, this does not happen by chance. My mother had been kidnapped.
P.H.: How did you know?
M.C.: I did see the pictures, we could define as recorded images. I did see these images into a monolith, a Ruby-Red pyramid which acted as a screen. I did see a picture of a girl who was walking in a graveyard, I at first had not recognized and they told me: "don't you know. It's your mother when she was a girl, she knew the secrets of the stars. " Then there is a programming.
P.H.: your mother you have never spoken? You never asked for anything?
M:C.: my mother and died when I was thirteen years old. With my mother, I've always had a special relationship, a relationship. My mother and I had no need to talk. She looked at me and I understand. I looked and she understood. I don't recall the speeches, arguments with my mother, I know that our relationship was a full report. When he died I felt its lack. do not do much. I had the pain you feel alive in the psyche, which is proof in the flesh, I was calm because I knew. Nine months before I knew that she would die.
P:H.: how is it dead?
M:C.: had the pressure of cali. The doctor had diagnosed the contrary, he understood, perhaps a mistake, that he had high blood pressure and gave him medication to lower it. My mother took them upwards, then probably the heart muscle and was affected and had to be hospitalized with serious heart problems.
Nine months earlier, when my mother in the hospital before I knew it would be dead. I had the certainty and expected that moment with serenity. I had the certainty that I never detached from my mother. Of course at that time I was thirteen years old, I believe in God, the God of Catholics and then a boy whom I pray for my mother, I prayed to God to live and heal it. When my mother died I got angry with God, because then I thought that God would hear all our prayers. From that nmomento then said, "you don't exist, tu non ci sei 'cause I've heard." Then over time and through this experience in 81 I started to ponder and think differently. I understand that there is a divine mind that it's totally different from the image which we are normally accustomed to. There is a divine mind, but not all our prayers can be heard because there are programs and life and death are only of the roots of this program. Then with my mother as I was saying I've always had a relation of perfect understanding. That night I did see my mother girl
P.H.: You have never seen your mother alive?
M.C.: Yes, I met her.
P.H.: I know that you have brought on Clarion. You've met on earth or on Clarion
M:C.: I saw at home. One night I said that I received a visit that I might like. At first I thought I was dreaming because I was sleeping in bed, and then I realized that I wasn't totally asleep but I was awake. I saw my mother but not so as I had known life on Earth, had the same appearance. I knew it was my mother, but did not have the same appearance.
P.H.: how was it?
M.C.: he was very young. We haven't talked about, I said nothing but made me a nod that was typical, beckoned with his hand that my mother was only with me. I just smiled.
P.H.: This seemed like a dream?
M.C.: No, at first seemed a dream because I was in bed, I realized that it wasn't a dream, in fact, I got up from bed, I was going to go and she stopped me, made me smile, I did mention that I recognize this to be a nod. My mother when we went to bed with small to say hello, give us good night there was a sign with his hand and I did the same nod. I at that time, before he finished it, I felt that I had to get back into bed and fall asleep. I assure you that it was a dream.
P.H.: the Clarion are of flesh and bones? You've never met on the street?
M.C.: I met at the supermarket.
P:H.: Were spending?
M:C.: No, we had to meet.
people should not believe what I tale, they just reflect on what story and perhaps consider whether everything that I can be real can be true and if their conscience makes him see that might be real, to question up to the point, if it is possible to reach a question: If we are not alone.
The photos are not a test also 'cause I don't I photos I divulge of UFOs, aliens. This is the photo of Suell, story by him in the book.
P:H.: could you walk among us!
M.C.: walk among us, I have met in a big city where I can do.
Gave me a black cardboard and paperboard gave me this impulse, I suggested to do or not do certain things. I at one point I know that I have to go to take the train to travel in a city where ' any of them meet. During the trip I wonder: "But why should I take the train to go in this city if other times when they wanted to have me taken?" Maybe it's a try, maybe it's a strange mechanism that I do not understand. When I arrived in this city, meeting quietly this person who I had met on a ship, on a ufo.
P.H.: where was the appointment?
M.C.: I knew I needed to go into a bar and wait. Then I spend the hours. The hours passed and no one took me and anguish. I thought I had been to invent this thing ... After some time, so long, quiet as a boy arrives and tells me. "Hi it's so much so that expected? " And everything in the book.
P.H.: is it normal? Talk normal?
M.C.: Yes, he has an apartment, working on Earth
P.H.: How do you recognize them?
M.C.: you recognize Them
P.H.: You recognize them
M.C.: he asked me if I had noticed anything strange in the supermarket cashier but did not seem to me. It was a beautiful girl but I seemed to have noticed something strange. Then I thought a little and I said: "but, there was something weird!" He had an earring, looked like a world within a world. At that time I had made the case, only when I have spoken. There are of them who live and work here on Earth.
P.H.: to what purpose?
M.C.: why must influence the evolution of this planet, not conditional, influence.
P.H.: they completely alien DNA or half human and half-alien?
M.C.: there are some that are totally alien who came here already adults. Apparently they have thirty, forty years. Come cosi '. They do not have problems to get documents, etc. and are of alien DNA definiamoli cosi ', then there are those who are born here who are aliens but who take his body with human DNA and therefore are hybrids.
P.H.: do you think the Government will be aware of?
M.C.: not all, some
P.H.: women seem actresses
M.C.: are very beautiful. You should note one thing that I was explained, these are photos polaroid made without development, there is always some absorption of light because they absorb light of atom. In a recent contacts, in a base that they have in depth in the sea, opposite the city of Genoa ... ... (photo vision) ... ...This is the picture of those who were once in the Bible are called Cherubim, Astral beings
P.H.: you're amazing! You can make a photo.
M.C.: no, not at all
M.C.: look at this picture, we need a lot of light ... There is a spaceship and you see the figures. One of these is a tall grey ones at least define them as well. This is another gray but hybrid breed, a graft between humans and aliens
P.H.: where did this picture?
M.C.: base:
P.H.: As you have brought us?
M.C.: physically, last year.
P.H.: how it happened?
M.C.: Now there is a symbiosis. Meanwhile, beginning to have a State of extreme nervousness, began to have trouble, I am very tense and warn of inductions and I let myself be guided by these inductions. When I go are very strong in certain places. Arrived at a particular place, they encounter a person who belongs to the alien world. Makes me and guide me in this base.
P. h.: how would you have brought to this base?
M.C.: With a normal boat. We left from the port, we went to a point on the sea and from that moment onwards the sea around us began to spin. I'm scared, of course, 'cause looked like a cyclone and we started to go down with the boat. I walked around and saw it as a wall of glass, the water was no longer ' liquid was solid. The walls were solid water. It was like a kind of tunnel and we descended down until at some point you are opened like spokes as if we were in the center of a wheel and spokes who were the corridors of this base and from there we penetrated into this base they have under the sea.
P.H.: Of what kind is it?
M.C.: they are Clariani working with another race
P.H.: I suspect that you are not a tourist, that have a well-defined programme. They want you to circulate this reality is so difficult, so difficult to digest so soft?
M.C.: it is very likely, but perhaps the primary thing is that I have been coaching, this I think me and I can also be wrong. I have been coaching, then everything that is happening, what I live and which serves to bring others into soft as you said, this reality, mainly I think to myself.
See Paola, we believe we make choices. Sometimes it's terrible for us to understand and accept that we have made some choices, we did the things we are thinking of having decided, instead, sometimes not so. If I could go back, I couldn't live in another way. Never got on me no glamor sport, football, ' my hobbies were fishing, work, family. I always believed this, since guy, that other worlds are inhabited. I have always believed that there were living intelligences on other planes. Anyway I had a normal life and suddenly I was thrown ... ... ... ...
M.C.: them when they walk slide, it's an extraordinary effect.
P.H.: Street walk so?
M.C.: No, on the street you see the normal person, though beware the understand some clues. Are always very friendly people, are people who radiate even when they don't speak, an energy that makes you feel good. Are people who have a voice when they talk that can seem slightly metallic, a little lower but sometimes this happens because there is a kind of instant translator from their language to our but probably give their vocal cords this tone a bit lower, deeper. They have large ears, then there are the eyes which are especially insightful and have these kind, affable manner. But mainly the energy, the energy you feel ... In fact you can instill fear for strong energy emanating. Do you feel uncomfortable
P.H.: in my latest book I've written a lot about this, about how we should behave, not to be frightened at the sight of all alien races before accepting the diversity that exists between the races of Earth. You were so fortunateo. This ti and succesful in 81. Now let us try to understand, this was not only a contact, you have some prediction about the future? We can give hope to people?
M.C.: hope you, the only hope is that our conscience, the human consciousness is put on a different plane, it lay on a plan more evolved.
P.H.: we no longer long. .....
M.C.: we don't have more temppo and Herculean task becomes. It's a change of dynamism more than awareness and dynamism. Time to change the dynamism there and ' why ' are two different things. Awareness has need for a long time of assimilation. Everything that has happened to me belongs to a program does not know how long ago. When I did see pictures of a girl a girl who then I knew that I couldn't recognize immediately 'cause I wasn't born yet, I knew like my mother and told me that she had been touched by the Lords of the stars, then I began to understand that everything was part of a program. Many of us on this world unwittingly are part of this program. Also, people sometimes say that he had never seen anything.
We see in this reality, I have learned to see in a magical reality. Use magic usually not in the negative, because the universe is in fact a magical creation and size, the same that we suppose creation has its physical parameters, do not at all. The matter is only an illusion and ' only the crystallization of our thinking. We see what we have learned to believe is true. When the man begins to appear in this window you will see in reality with new eyes, percepira ' the universe, can go mad or evolve, there is no alternative.
PH: Maybe two things ... ...
M.C.: I passed both the other. I do not believe to be superior to others but I saw things that others have not seen. Indeed these things have taught me to be more humble and every time I reflect on how it happens, how it happened to me, on what might still happen to me I always feel so small, so only and I ask again: Why me?
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